Welcome to VHFFS - Mass virtual hosting software

VHFFS is a massive virtual hosting platform for free software.

Developped by TuxFamily.org admins, it can be used for massive hosting on several shared servers or for personal hosting on a single computer.

It is designed to be used by many users, providing an user-friendly interface to configure web based services. A moderation system allows the administrator crew to accept or refuse services creation. VHFFS also provide powerful and useful administration tools and statistics.

VHFFS can be used to host the following services :
  • DNS
  • Web (mass hosting) with statistics
  • Downloads repositories
  • MySQL
  • PostgreSQL
  • Mail
  • Mailing-lists
  • CVS
  • Subversion
  • Git
  • Mercurial
  • Bazaar
  • Jabber
  • Misc: Cron, SSH access, FTP access

And many more coming soon thanks to our active contributors ;)

VHFFS is designed to run on Debian current stable release, but it should works on other Linux based systems, and probably all others Unix systems. (There are successful stories of VHFFS running under FreeBSD).

VHFFS is a free software developed under GPL licence. Don't hesitate, join the VHFFS community now !

Currently, VHFFS is mainly used by Tuxfamily, Toile-Libre and Lost-Oasis.


We need a designer! No skill in programming or web needed, only good ideas and artistic feeling, contact us on mailing list!

mainpage.txt · Last modified: 2012/03/03 21:08 by gradator
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