VHFFS File System


  • Debian packets
 apt-get install fuse-utils libfuse-dev libglib2.0-dev libpq-dev
  • Kernel

If you are compiling your own kernels, you need to compile the Fuse module to use VHFFS-FS


VHFFS-FS compilation

cd [sources]/vhffs-fs/
./configure --prefix=/usr
make clean
make install


cp /etc/vhffs/vhffsfs.conf.dist /etc/vhffs/vhffsfs.conf

Edit the /etc/vhffs/vhffs.conf file

   # Whether to use vhffsfs or not. vhffsfs allows you to provide a
   # virtual home directory depending on the uid of the running process
   # in order to avoid using of a virtual chroot to provide ftp, sftp, or a shell
   use_vhffsfs             =       yes

Edit the /etc/vhffs/vhffsfs.conf file

Create this folder:

mkdir /home/hosted

Add into /etc/fstab

vhffsfs      /home/hosted       fuse   defaults,allow_other,hard_remove,readdir_ino,use_ino,noauto_cache,entry_timeout=0,negative_timeout=0,attr_timeout=0,ac_attr_timeout=0,intr  0 0
FTP configuration

Change the /etc/pure-ftpd/db/postgresql.conf file:


PGSQLGetDir     SELECT u.homedir FROM vhffs_users u INNER JOIN vhffs_object o ON o.object_id=u.object_id WHERE u.username='\L' AND o.state=6


PGSQLGetDir     SELECT '/home/hosted' AS homedir
NSS configuration to provide SSH service
  • nss-pgsql:


getpwnam        = SELECT p.username, '*' AS passwd, p.username, p.homedir, p.shell, p.uid, p.gid FROM vhffs_passwd p WHERE p.username = $1
getpwuid        = SELECT p.username, '*' AS passwd, p.username, p.homedir, p.shell, p.uid, p.gid FROM vhffs_passwd p WHERE p.uid = $1
allusers        = SELECT p.username, '*' AS passwd, p.username, p.homedir, p.shell, p.uid, p.gid FROM vhffs_passwd p


getpwnam        = SELECT p.username, '*' AS passwd, p.username, '/home/hosted' AS homedir, p.shell, p.uid, p.gid FROM vhffs_passwd p WHERE p.username = $1
getpwuid        = SELECT p.username, '*' AS passwd, p.username, '/home/hosted' AS homedir, p.shell, p.uid, p.gid FROM vhffs_passwd p WHERE p.uid = $1
allusers        = SELECT p.username, '*' AS passwd, p.username, '/home/hosted' AS homedir, p.shell, p.uid, p.gid FROM vhffs_passwd p
  • nss-sqlite: change the cron:
nss-mirror.pl --force-homedir=/home/hosted 
doc/installationguide/misc-vhffsfs.txt · Last modified: 2011/04/15 23:16 by gradator
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