Mercurial Repository installation


apt-get install mercurial


Edit /etc/vhffs/vhffs.conf

   # Use this module or not
   activate        =       yes

   # URL to the mercurialweb
   mercurialweb_url      =       ""

   # From: of emails sent by mercurial commit notifier
   notify_from     =

   # URL to the documentation (optional)
   url_doc         =

Then, activate the bots with a cron file, for example, /etc/cron.d/vhffs

#*/10   *       * * *   root    ionice -c3 nice -n 19 /usr/lib/vhffs/bots/
#*/10   *       * * *   root    ionice -c3 nice -n 19 /usr/lib/vhffs/bots/
#*/10   *       * * *   root    ionice -c3 nice -n 19 /usr/lib/vhffs/bots/

Initiate a new repository

Create a repository through the panel.

Mercurial using SSH authentication needs full NSS support, please check the local NSS database is filled up with passwd and shadow data.

We recommends you to:

  • Create a chroot for mercurial.
  • Not install VHFFS in this chroot.
  • Fill the NSS database from outside the chroot
  • Use a restricted shell service that allows only running the hg binary, you will find in the VHFFS source tree a dummy shell called tuxshell in the /vhffs-shells directory.
  • Only mount bind, or nfs mount, or whatever mount, the /data/mercurial directory in the chroot.


HgWeb doesn't require a generated configuration file, so there is no VHFFS bot to create it ;-)

doc/installationguide/mercurial-service.txt · Last modified: 2012/08/04 17:48 by gradator
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