Table of Contents
Mail server configuration
VHFFS suggests Exim4 SMTP and Courier POP&IMAP software and provides configuration examples for those. Obviously you can use the software you want and use this documentation to help you.
Exim is a Mail Transfer Agent. Exim needs the Exim Heavy daemon on Debian in order to work with PostgreSQL.
Install the following packets:
apt-get install exim4-daemon-heavy
Sample configuration:
addgroup --gid 2000 listengine adduser --uid 2000 --gid 2000 --no-create-home --disabled-login --shell /bin/false --gecos '' listengine mkdir /data/mail/{,boxes,archives} /data/listengine/{,archives,errors,moderation,public} chown Debian-exim:Debian-exim /data/mail/boxes chown listengine:listengine /data/listengine/{archives,errors,moderation} chmod 700 /data/mail/{boxes,archives} /data/listengine/{archives,errors,moderation} mv /etc/exim4/exim4.conf{,.orig} cp /usr/share/doc/vhffs/config/exim4-mx1/exim4.conf /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
And modify /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
according to your needs.
Then reload exim4
Courier is the IMAP/POP server used to access mailboxes. It uses the VHFFS databases to check the users, thus it needs a read access to the VHFFS databases.
Install the following packets:
apt-get install courier-authdaemon courier-authlib-postgresql courier-imap courier-imap-ssl courier-pop courier-pop-ssl
In /usr/share/doc/vhffs/config/courier
, you will find configuration samples for following Courier files:
- authdaemonrc
- authpgsqlrc
- imapd
- imapd-ssl
- pop3d
- pop3d-ssl
Copy these files into /etc/courier/ and perform the modifications you need in order to access the vhffs database.
Then reload all courier-related softwares.
Backup MX
This is always a good idea to have a backup MX server. A backup MX server is a server that is going to buffer your mails if your primary MX is down (Network outage, hardware failure, configuration error, …).
On your secondary server, install the following packets:
apt-get install exim4-daemon-heavy
Sample configuration:
Then, you have to duplicate the VHFFS database, you can either use a PostgreSQL replication mechanism or use our mirror script.
Using a VHFFS replicated PostgreSQL database
After PostgreSQL replication is configured, modify /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
according to your needs.
Then reload exim4
Using the mirror script
Copy the MX2 mirror script in some place.
cp /usr/share/vhffs/backend/mirror/ /usr/local/sbin/ chmod o-rwx /usr/local/sbin/ chmod ug+x /usr/local/sbin/
Create the PostgreSQL secondary database and structures
su - postgres -c "createuser -P mailmx2" su - postgres -c "createdb -O mailmx2 mailmx2" psql mailmx2 mailmx2 -h localhost eximmx2=> \i /usr/share/vhffs/backend/mirror/mx2-mirror.sql
Edit the
script to modify connection fields to both master and slave SQL servers.
Install required dependencies:
apt-get install libdbd-pg-perl
Modify your firewall or anything necessary so that the slave server can connect to the master server.
Then run the
script, it should work
Modify /etc/exim4/exim4.conf
to use this database. Then reload exim4
Of course, you need to run from time to time the
script to update the PostgreSQL database, we let you add the necessary cron entry.